Stop feeling underwater with your kids at home or in your classroom and get a guide today.

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Welcome to The PEACE Program!

Hi! I’m Mariana, the founder of The PEACE Program and I am on a mission to support the adults supporting children during the most critical time in human development.

I’ve created flexible, online programs to give expert advice, guidance, and developmental context for families with children under six at home. And as a longtime Montessori educator with AMI 0-6 diplomas, I know that teachers need support, too. I work with educators and school leaders supporting Montessori Nido, Toddler, and Primary classrooms to aid them in implementing the beautiful, amazing Montessori Method!

I am so glad you are here and hope we can chat soon!


Mariana is a parent of two beautiful Montessori kids who are the inspiration for The PEACE Program! She started PEACE with a free drop-in community support group in Oakland, CA. Mariana served over 2500 families with Montessori and developmental support. She has her AMI 0-3 and 3-6 diplomas and has been an educator since 2010. Mariana has mentored over 90 teachers, Guides, Assistants, and Trainees at the 0-3 and 3-6 levels. She is the award-winning author of Montessori parent book, Babies Build Toddlers. Mariana has practiced both Montessori homeschool and classroom teaching for children 0-6. She has been a Montessori teacher trainer for a 0-3 course in Vietnam.